Complaints, comments and compliments

If you want to make a complaint, make a comment or provide a compliment about the service you have received from Restitute, then we would like to hear it.


In the first instance, please raise any complaint you have with the person who is working with you. This isn’t always easy but our staff will work with you to try to resolve it.

If this doesn’t feel right, you can write to our non-executive director responsible for monitoring, resolving and learning from complaints, comments and compliments. Please contact:

This is our Complaints policy


We are an organisation that has co-production at its heart. We want to deliver services our clients need to receive in a way that they can access. If you have a comment about how we can do better or differently, please do let us know.

You can contact us on


If you’re pleased with the service you’re receiving from our staff, please let them know! Many of the people who work with Restitute do so voluntarily and this kind of feedback makes our day! If you send an email to, then we’ll make sure that everyone else on the team gets to hear about it too!