‘I had no idea.’ This is the single most common response I receive when explaining the challenges 3rd party victims of crime face on a daily basis. And that isn’t just from people working in industry but from teachers and healthcare professionals too. So it’s no little wonder that staff, managers and business owners misunderstand their employees needs or simply what is going on out in their communities.
When I speak to organisations, the compassion and the understanding is almost immediate. We’re inspiring and we motivate people to make a difference. If you want your business or organisation to be part of the community it serves, then we can help you achieve that.

Support your staff
Many employers have little idea of the challenges 3rd party victims of crime face.
Often this is because 3rd party victims are working so hard to juggle home, work and care demands, are desperately worried about their financial stability or have faced stigmatisation and judgement that they feel it is better to suffer in silence.
We want to work with businesses because amongst your staff are 3rd party victims of crime who need support, reassurance and the confidence to be able to talk to you about their challenges. As well as awareness raising talks and presentaations, we offer consultation and training services. We can also meet with staff who have identified that they are 3rd party victims of crime to ensure that they are getting the support they are entitled to from you, Restitute as well as government agencies.