Cambridgeshire Support Services
On this page, you will find local resources designed to support families caring for victims of sexual or violent crimes in Cambridgeshire.

Victim Support help anyone affected by crime – the victim, friends and family or others involved. You can get help at anytime regardless of when the crime took place. Victim Support help you to:
- Feel safe and secure.
- Understand your rights and services you’re entitled to.
- Explore ways to cope.
- Connect you to support networks.
Here you can find information on:
- What to expect as a witness of crime.
- What happens after a crime is reported.
- The victims right to review scheme.
- Giving a witness or victim statement.
- Going to court and what happens after the trial.
- Victim and witness support organisations.
The Victim Services Website for Cambridge and Peterborough is designed to provide victims and witnesses of crime with information about the support available to them, and make it easier for them to access this support.
On the Sun Network you can find a list of organisations that offer support for victims and witnesses of crime.
Cambridge Women’s Aid provides dedicated and specialist services to women and children affected by domestic abuse.
Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre provides specialist support services to women and girls across Cambridgeshire who have been subjected to, or are being subjected to, rape and all forms of sexual violence and abuse, no matter when that abuse occurred.
Refuge is a domestic abuse outreach service that supports survivors across Cambridgeshire with emotional and practical support.
The BOBBY SCHEME helps people affected by burglary, theft or domestic abuse to remain in their home to recover from the trauma and take control of their lives again.
Be Well Cambridgeshire have information about mental health and wellbeing.
NHS Cambridge and Peterborough provide talking therapies to those experiencing mental health problems.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service offers impartial and confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers who have a child or young person with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability or have concerns that their child has special educational needs.
The Caring Together Charity provide support and advice to carers during, after and before their caring role.