Dorset Support Services
On this page, you will find local resources designed to support families caring for victims of sexual or violent crimes in Dorset.

Victim Support help anyone affected by crime – the victim, friends and family or others involved. You can get help at anytime regardless of when the crime took place. Victim Support help you to:
- Feel safe and secure.
- Understand your rights and services you’re entitled to.
- Explore ways to cope.
- Connect you to support networks.
Here you can find information on:
- What to expect as a witness of crime.
- What happens after a crime is reported.
- The victims right to review scheme.
- Giving a witness or victim statement.
- Going to court and what happens after the trial.
- Victim and witness support organisations.
PARAGON Dorset, supports victims and survivors of domestic abuse and trains hospital staff so they can better support anyone who wishes to disclose and talk about their experiences of domestic abuse.
Help and Kindness provide a list of organisations in the county that support victims of crime.
The Shores is a sexual assault referral centre (SARC) located in Bournemouth. They provide forensic, counselling and aftercare services to men, women and children living in the whole of Dorset who have experienced rape or sexual assault, recent or non-recent.
Dorset Wellbeing provide therapeutic support and personalized learning opportunities for children & adolescents with complex persistent needs who find conventional education options difficult.
The You Trust work with people aged 16+, providing help and support to reduce homelessness, poverty, poor physical or mental health and social isolation.
Dorset Health Care provides mental health and physical health services across Dorset.
Mind helps people in Dorset experiencing mental health problems access the vital support they need.
The Local Offer provides information, advice and support for children and young people aged from 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Carer Support Dorset supports all unpaid carers, from 5 years upwards. They help carers to access services, information, education and training, respite, and breaks from their caring role.