Gloucestershire Support Services
On this page, you will find local resources designed to support families caring for victims of sexual or violent crimes in Gloucestershire.

Victim Support help anyone affected by crime – the victim, friends and family or others involved. You can get help at anytime regardless of when the crime took place. Victim Support help you to:
- Feel safe and secure.
- Understand your rights and services you’re entitled to.
- Explore ways to cope.
- Connect you to support networks.
Here you can find information on:
- What to expect as a witness of crime.
- What happens after a crime is reported.
- The victims right to review scheme.
- Giving a witness or victim statement.
- Going to court and what happens after the trial.
- Victim and witness support organisations.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) is a county-wide service designed to reduce the level of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families.
Here you can find a list of victim support services available across the county for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
CALMHS support people who are experiencing moderate to severe mental ill health.
Hope House Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) offer emotional and practical support as well as medical care to anyone who has experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse.
Young Gloucestershire support young people that are facing challenges, to gain confidence, motivation and skills to improve their lives.
Here you can find a list of mental health services that are independent and NHS services that are available in the county.
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provides joined-up mental health, physical health and learning disability services to people of all ages across Gloucestershire.
Mind offer a wellbeing house and counselling service in Gloucestershire.
SENDIASS Gloucestershire provides free, confidential, impartial advice and support on matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The service is offered to parents and carers of children and young people aged between 0 and 25 years old.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub provide information, guidance and support, to empower you in your caring role.
GRASAC offer practical and emotional support for anyone who has been affected by rape, sexual abuse and childhood sexual abuse.