Greater Manchester Support Services
On this page, you will find local resources designed to support families caring for victims of sexual or violent crimes in Greater Manchester.
Victim Support help anyone affected by crime – the victim, friends and family or others involved. You can get help at anytime regardless of when the crime took place. Victim Support help you to:
- Feel safe and secure.
- Understand your rights and services you’re entitled to.
- Explore ways to cope.
- Connect you to support networks.
End The Fear provide support and advice to anyone experiencing domestic or sexual violence. They provide support to people who know someone who may be being abused. They encourage victims to come forward to receive help.
Greater Manchester Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Support Centre provide a free, confidential and non-judgemental support service to women experiencing or have experienced sexual violence.
The Pankhurst Trust brings together Manchester Women’s Aid and the Pankhurst Centre. They ensure that those suffering from domestic violence and abuse get the confidential help they need.
An Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) can provide support and information to people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse. Their main role is to:
- go through reporting options.
- provide support through the criminal justice process.
- act as a point of contact.
- provide emotional and practical support.
- support referrals and signposting.
- ensure the safety of victims.
The Resilience Hub was set up in response to the Manchester Arena Attack in 2017 for those whose mental health and emotional wellbeing was affected. They now provide mental health support and advice. They also provide support for healthcare workers across Manchester and have safeguarding teams to improve the support for young people at risk of abuse or exploitation.
Wythenshawe Safespots is for women who have experienced domestic abuse. They have a centre that provides a non-judgemental and confidential service offering information, advice and support.
Remedi offer victims of crime the opportunity to engage in a restorative intervention with the person responsible. Remedi take a proactive and flexible approach to providing support for victims of crime and anti-social behavior.
The North West SAAS Partner Network is made up of representatives from organizations who are responsible for commissioning sexual assault and abuse services. The aim of the website is to raise awareness of the support services available to victims of sexual violence and provide a digital directory of services.
Here you can find mental health services that are available across the county.
Mind support people with their mental health to live well and feel valued in their communities and at work.
The Local Offer brings together information in one place. It helps children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25 and their parents understand what services and support they can expect locally.
Here you can find you can find mental health and addiction services provided across Greater Manchester.
Manchester Carers Centre provide free support services for unpaid carers and have a service for young adult carers (aged 16-25). Services they provide include practical help, respite breaks, access to grants and training.
Migdal Emunah provide a support service for Jewish children, women and men that have experienced sexual abuse. They provide practical and emotional support for those affected by the trauma of sexual abuse. They provide professional services such as Independent Sexual Violence Advisors, Counsellors and a variety of therapists. All the services are there to meet the needs of the clients and clients are reviewed to ensure they are benefitting from the services.