Nottinghamshire Support Services
On this page, you will find local resources designed to support families caring for victims of sexual or violent crimes in Nottinghamshire.

Victim Support help anyone affected by crime – the victim, friends and family or others involved. You can get help at anytime regardless of when the crime took place. Victim Support help you to:
- Feel safe and secure.
- Understand your rights and services you’re entitled to.
- Explore ways to cope.
- Connect you to support networks.
Here you can find information on:
- What to expect as a witness of crime.
- What happens after a crime is reported.
- The victims right to review scheme.
- Giving a witness or victim statement.
- Going to court and what happens after the trial.
- Victim and witness support organisations.
Victim care provide support for all victims of any crime, apart from those who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, and can offer support for all ages.
The ASA Hub is a service for all adults living in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire, who have experienced sexual abuse. It delivers a single point of contact for survivors of sexual violence of any kind whether the abuse took place in childhood or in adult life. They provide support in person, online and over telephone.
S.H.E is a Charity based in Nottinghamshire that offers a holistic range of support services for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, exploitation and sexual violence.
Juno Women’s Aid offer a range of services to help women and their families live free from fear and abuse.
Here you can find mental health support services provided by the NHS in Nottinghamshire.
NottAlone is a dedicated website providing information and support for young people’s mental health across Nottinghamshire. If you are aged under 25, are a parent or carer, or a professional who works with and supports young people, you can find information, advice and where to go to get help in Nottinghamshire.
Mind provide support, information and guidance on mental health issues.
The Local Offer is a guide to services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 in Nottinghamshire.
Nottinghamshire Carers Hub offer information, advice and guidance, signposting to other organisations, access to carers groups and drop-ins, free health and well-being memberships and access to carers breaks.